With urolithiasis and its manifestations, a practicing urologist probably has to face more often than with other urological diseases. Apparently, it is not for nothing that the birth of urology as a separate specialty began with the appearance in the time of Hippocrates (VI - V century BC) of "stonemasons" - people who can remove stones from the bladder by crotch access.
On the territory of Uzbekistan, urolithiasis is quite widespread (we can even apply the term "endemic") spread. Due to the peculiarities of the climate, the quality of drinking water, the culture of nutrition in our region.
Currently, the following methods for removing stones from the urinary tract are available.
4. Remote shock wave lithotripsy (DUVLT) is the least traumatic method. The stones are destroyed by the remote action of the shock wave. The apparatus that destroys the stones is called a remote lithotripter. The need for punctures and incisions is absent. This method is widely used in connection with what is most sparing. The lithotripsy method is characterized by fewer complications than other operative and minimally invasive methods for treating urolithiasis. This method is also cheaper than other interventions to remove kidney stones - according to the estimates of American doctors an average of 37%. In addition, ESWL is characterized by a shorter recovery period, as well as a shorter duration of pain. Patients after ESWL are discharged more quickly and return to work.
We have been practicing this method of disposal for the last 3 years with fairly good results. In our clinic, a lithotripsy session usually takes an average of 1 hour, during which the patient can receive up to 4000 shock waves. Typically, the procedure for lithotripsy begins with shock waves of low energy and with long intervals between pulses. This allows the patient to get used to the procedure. Gradually, the strength and frequency of the shock waves increase. If there is bone in the path of the shock wave near the stone (for example, an edge), the procedure becomes more painful, since the wave causes some resonance in the bone.
Lastly, I would like to note that each method of removing stones has its own indications and contraindications, of which the patient should be informed in detail by the doctor. Also, when talking with a doctor, you should discuss possible complications and measures for their elimination, regardless of which method of removing the stone is selected. Only complete mutual understanding and mutual trust of the patient and the doctor guarantees the success of the treatment.