Breast Augmentation

Стоимость от от 38 000 000 сум (от 2 500 до 3 500 $)

Breast augmentation is an intervention aimed at increasing the volume of the breast and correcting its shape

Breast augmentation with silicone implants is the safest way to change breast size to date. Because, firstly, they have long been approved, have a sufficient lifespan, positive statistics, have long been used and there are already long-term results. A modern implant contains a highly cohesive gel that does not leak out. The implant can be removed and delivered with a sheath.

Access for implant placement

There are following approaches for implant placement:

Submammary access is the most popular and widespread method, this is access through a submammary fold (under the breast). During the operation, the surgeon performs a cut that repeats the shape of the existing breast exactly along the fold, and then leads the implant through the subcutaneous tissue, pushing the breast tissue apart.

Advantages of access:

  • During the operation, the breast is not damaged;
  • no limitations on the size and shape of the implant (can be placed both round and anatomical);
  • the ability to install the implant under the breast and under the pectoral muscle;
  • the implementation of the cut precisely along the submammary fold allows us to make the postoperative scar practically invisible.

Disadvantages of access:

  • Patients with a small breast size (before surgery) and an implicit submammary fold receive a more noticeable postoperative scar.


Periareolar access - access through the areola incision (areas around the nipple). The incision is made exactly along the border between the areola and the skin of the breast.

Advantages of access:

  • an inconspicuous postoperative scar, which is perceived as the border between the areola and the skin of the breast;
  • the ability to install the implant under both the mammary gland and the pectoral muscle;
  • the choice of any shape and any size of the implant.

Disadvantages of access:

  • the greatest in comparison with other methods of traumatism for the breast;
  • There may be a temporary loss or decrease in the sensitivity of the nipple.


Axillary access (endoscopic) is carried out through the axillary region through a small incision. The operation is performed using an endoscope, which is inserted inside with the instruments, allows the surgeon to see on the screen all the lymph nodes, large blood vessels, nerve endings and helps to avoid their damage during surgery.

 Advantages of access:

  • the ability to install the implant under the breast and under the pectoral muscle;
  • The postoperative scar is significantly smaller than under submammary access, and is located in a zone of less visual accessibility, the scar is almost invisible.

 Disadvantages of access:

  • restrictions on the volume of the inserted implant;
  • the complexity of the installation of anatomical implants with the help of endoscopic surgery;
  • Significant pain in the underarm area, more intense than with the rest of the access, since the distance from the site of dissection of the tissues to the breast or pectoral muscle is more significant.


  • small size of breast gland;
  • significant asymmetry of mammary glands
  • undergone mastectomy (removal of the breast);
  • a sagging of a breast in connection with delivery and feeding, sharp growing thin, age.


Patients before the operation must undergo a full medical examination and consultation of specialists in our clinic.


  • oncological disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diabete
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage
  • bleeding disorder


Usually, rehabilitation after breast augmentation is comfortable and smooth, after 3-5 days the patient can go to work. For the first 3-4 days, edema, non-intensive pain sensations, discomfort are characteristic. The normal consequence of mammoplasty is a feeling of restraint in the chest area, as the skin adapts to a new breast size. During the first 1,5-2 months, patients wear a special surgical bra. After removing the joints, you can take a shower, after which you must carefully dry the wounds. At this time, you can not wash your hair yourself, because it is forbidden to raise your hands above your head. It is recommended to avoid any hard work or physical activity for several weeks after the operation, avoid driving until the pain from the seat belt ceases, which may take several weeks. In 2-3 weeks after the operation, it is possible to increase physical activity, performing simple exercises designed for the lower part of the body. The vast majority of edemas begin to subside.


Patients should know that their breasts can swell and become firm during the first menstruation of the postoperative period. Up to 6 months, there is a progressive relaxation of scar tissue. The chest as a whole becomes softer.


Despite the fact that the breast becomes stable in its new form, it is important to understand that the shape of the breast gland may fluctuate in response to hormonal changes, weight changes, pregnancy, the onset of menopause.