Correction of the back of the nose

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Correction of the back of the nose includes two main directions:

-Resection of the hump

-Raising the back of the nose


The presence of a hump in the nose is not a characteristic feature for representatives of European nations, so many of them decide to perform rhinoplasty (removal of the hump) to improve the appearance of the nose and its aesthetic characteristics. Its appearance may be due to both heredity factor and other causes - trauma, unsuccessful rhinoplasty and others. Elimination of the hump of the nose is carried out according to individual indications, which take into account the age of the patient, the anatomical features and wishes of the patient.


 Resection of a hump invariably leads to a change in the remaining facial features, especially if the patient has a disharmony of the size of the nose and the remaining areas. Correction of the hump of the nose distinguishes beautiful cheekbones and eyes, the shape of the eyebrows and the height of the forehead.

Indications for rhinoplasty of the hump are mostly aesthetic, but medical indications are also possible. These include:

  • Narrow nose with a hump.
  • Long (thin) nose with a hump.
  • The rhinoplasty after the rhinoplasty is performed as a repeated operation after an unsuccessful rhinoplasty.
  • A large nose with a hump.
  • A humpkin after a fracture of the nose (after a stroke, a fall) - this type of intervention is often done together with septoplasty (correction of the septum of the nose).


Before you reduce the hump in the nose, you should study the contraindications, which, in fact, are the same as in normal rhinoplasty. Correction of the hump in the nose is indicated only after the patient reaches the age of 18-20 years, not earlier.


Resection of the nose hump, like traditional rhinoplasty, is performed in two ways - open and closed. The choice of method depends on the volume of the operation and the degree of correction. Depending on the volume of surgery, local or general anesthesia is used. The duration of the operation is not less than 1,5-3 hours.

Since the formation of the hump is due to the increase in bone and cartilaginous tissue, the operation takes place in several stages with a proportional removal of both tissues. The stages of the operation are as follows:

  1. Skin dissection and the release of the skeleton of the nose (with the open method).
  2. Correction of the back of the nose - this removes part of the cartilaginous tissue and septum of the nose.
  3. Removal of excess part of bone tissue.
  4. Applying cosmetic sutures to the incision site.

If immediately after rhinoplasty a hump appears, do not panic - in fact, after plasty of the nose, the swelling persists up to six months. The "new" nose can be seen only a few weeks after the operation, when all the swelling and bruising will be healed.


The rehabilitation period differs little from that of the usual rhinoplasty. It is important to observe all the recommendations of the attending physician these days. Many patients are interested in the question of how to remove a hump without surgery and is it possible? Unfortunately, the nose with a hump is only corrected by surgery, but a minor defect can be concealed with the help of skillful make-up or non-surgical rhinoplasty (with the help of special fillers).


Insufficient height of the back of the nose occurs quite often. It can be throughout the entire back from the root of the nose to its tip or in a certain area. The first case is often observed with flat noses, the second - with a variety of forms of the nose.


  • The increase in the nose has both purely aesthetic indications, and medical.
  • Desire to change the size of the nose in favor of increasing it.
  • Physical injuries and injuries, due to which the nose has become flat.
  • Congenital defect of a flat nose, i.e. acquired by inheritance.
  • Postponed inflammation in soft tissues, because of which the nose became flat.
  • Underdeveloped parts of the nose (eg, pterygoid cartilage), which causes the nose to become disproportionately small.
  • Consequence of operations on the nasal septum (septorhinoplasty).
  • The desire of the patient to give the nose, and appearance in general, more European features

Before increasing the nose, it is necessary to study contraindications, which, in fact, are the same as in normal rhinoplasty. Raising the back of the nose is indicated only when the patient reaches the age of 18-20 years, not earlier.


The nose can be enlarged in several ways - open and closed.

In the first case, the surgical incision is made on the septum between the nostrils, in the second - inside the nostrils.

The essence of the operation is that a special frame is placed under the skin of the nose, raising and increasing the bridge of the nose. Such a frame can be made of different materials, such as:

  • cartilage
  • bone
  • artificial materials are safe for the body.

In most cases it is recommended to use materials from your own tissues. When using a bone skeleton, the bone is taken from the back of the elbow, the crest of the iliac (pelvic) bone, the rib, the surface of the skull, with safety for the "donor bone". If the framework is planned to be made from cartilage, the material is taken from the shells of the ears or the cartilage of the septum of the nose is used.

The duration of the operation depends on its complexity, mostly 1.5-3 hours. All this time the patient is under general anesthesia in combination with local special anesthesia.


  • a hump on the back of the nose;
  • too pointed or thickened tip of the nose;
  • hooked tip of nose;
  • excessive length of nose;
  • enlarged nostrils;
  • saddle-shaped nose;
  • curved nasal septum;
  • congenital and post-traumatic deformities of the nose;
  • violation or complete impossibility of nasal breathing.



After the operation, tampons are placed in the nasal passages to absorb blood and post-operative secretions. They are worn for 2-5 days and during this time the patient needs to breathe through the mouth.

The external nasal splint made of thermoplastic is placed on the outside of the nose for 8-10 days, which supports the nose and provides an immobilizing effect.

Naturally, for the postoperative period, the appearance of swelling on the face and around the eyes, which disappears in two weeks. Thus, within a week the patient can return to the usual life.

In order healing process was faster and the edema subsided please do the following:

  • for 3-4 weeks after surgery, sleep exclusively on the back, on a high pillow or with a raised head of the bed;
  • to refuse to wear glasses (for the period of rehabilitation replace them with lenses);
  • exclude any physical activity;
  • protect the face from sunlight;
  • Eat balanced, excluding salted and fatty foods, coffee;
  • refrain from alcohol and smoking;
  • avoid catarrhal diseases.

Increasing the nose leads to the fact that its shape becomes harmonious, proportional to the rest of the face. You can evaluate the result of the operation in 1-2 months, the final effect will be visible only after 6-12 months.